Time flies

Every time I decide I will update this blog something comes up so once again I’m writing this entry in bed otherwise I’ll never get round to it again!
So much has happend since the first entry so where do I start? A great experience we had and are still having is teaching in a local primary school, we met Mike street witnessing and started studying with him and his wife , it turned out that he is a teacher and asked us if we could share what we were teaching him with the school.

This was a great success and consequently were asked back on a weekly bases to teach bible lessons in the school.
Another nice experience we are having is with Titus who met also street witnessing he comes to all meetings walking 9km there and 9km back and also walks to is bible study on Wednesday, he’s only 16 but shows such appreciation for Jehovah, we hope he will be another Ivan.
Together Taby and I are now studying with more or less 20 people not including the school but we always keep an hour or so free in the morning to go house to house, this way we can still enjoy working with all the brothers and sisters who are regulary attending the field meetings.

The meeting attendance has really improved especially since the need greaters have been here, were are now in 3 couples which has had a very possitive effect with the local brothers who have been encouraged to spend more time in the field. We are now 50 publishes and average about 100 in atteendance each Sunday.

Regarding Immigration we will enquire at the office in Mbarara when we go to the assembly this weekend, hopefully we will be able to attain a long term visa either buy applying for another work permit or a 3 year multi entry visa if they have started issuing them. In the mean time while we are waitng we will have to leave the country for a few day in August so we will fly over to Zanzibar again for a few day’s of relaxation on the beach.

Kingdom Hall Fort Portal











Finally below is a photo of Joel  outside a local school, we couldn’t resist photgraphing the billboard beacuase of the amusing name 🙂

Looks a bit lake Mel Brooks don't you think?


Return to Fort Portal

After 3 years in Uganda we have finally decided to put some kind of journal together about our experiences in Uganda otherwise we will  undoubtedly forget the most interesting experiences! As all of you know we have decided to return to Fort Portal as we found the environment was easier for us to support than Kampala and I was sure (Chris) That I wouldn’t get Malaria again only to catch my 5th dose of it after only 3 weeks  of returning! Anyway I got over it within 48 hours as my body seems to be more or less used to it now, just pop a couple of pills and back to normal.

Field service Saturday morning at the Kingdom Hall

It was wonderful to see the old congregation and get back into things here, we also have a new couple from Alaska here which is a great help. We also had good news from Kamilo (our last study in Kampala to be baptized) that he is now a regular pioneer, that makes all three spirtiual son’s pioneers! Also we had another surprise on our return to the Kingdom Hall in Fort Portal , a study of  Taby who had only studied the first five chapters of ” What does the bible really teach” Is regularly attending all meetings and making fine progress.

Studies are pouring in as to be expected in Uganda , hopefully we will soon have some nice experiences to write about here. As you should all know by now the year book has a part on Uganda so we are expecting and hoping for more need greaters in Uganda soon. Could that be you?

It is now 00.20 am so it’s time for my bed but we promise to update soon..

Can I have one please?

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